Update on Sharon’s ER/ICU experience


I returned home from Uruguay and Brazil and found that Sharon wasn’t well. She seemed a bit confused and was complaining about a headache and nausea. The next morning we went to see her physician and  set up a series of doctor’s appointments tests. Part of this involved an MRI which took place a week ago Friday at 2pm. At 3pm, as we were leaving the imaging center in Santa Monica, her primary physician called my cell phone and said we were to immediately come to the Ronald Reagan Emergency Room as the MRI showed Sharon had bleeding on her brain. She was admitted in ER and placed in ICU where she was treated and remained for the next two nights.

As her condition stabilized, she was then moved from ICU into a regular hospital room. The main culprit after many tests appeared to be a spike in her blood pressure that burst a vessel in her brain, causing the bleeding. It was a stroke, not one where an artery is blocked, but where a vessel bleeds. I barely had time to get the word out, but family and friends began to pray. I spent a lot of hours in the hospital as did some of our sweet daughters and our son (he is sweet too).

Stephanie, Leslie and Sharon
Stephanie, Leslie and Sharon

On Monday morning, Memorial Day, I went to the hospital early so I could meet the neurological team attending Sharon. Incredibly, they said she was stable, the bleeding had stopped, and her blood pressure was back to where it should be. I brought her home that afternoon.


Sharon told me on the way home that this was the best Memorial Day she ever spent. The reason was that Sunday night she had an incredible sense of God’s presence with her…all night long.  She didn’t sleep much but said, “I had an incredible depth of feeling of comfort, peace, joy, and well-being. It lasted all night and I had a profound sense of it in the morning. It may have been a dream but God drew near and spent the night with me. I basked in the joy of it for the next couple hours.”

I can’t tell you how happy I was after talking with the doctors and getting to bring Sharon home with me. I was so amazed to see the kindness and gratefulness that Sharon showed to the nurses, doctors, custodians, and all who came into the hospital room(s). While she experienced the presence of God, I saw Jesus in her day and night, weary or not. I want to be like her when I grow up. I am thankful for all who prayed for her.


We left two days later than we planned for our trip to Oregon. Once she was cleared to travel, we took I-5 to Los Gatos where I was scheduled to give a talk about the Divine Expedition. Since the meeting was in a home, my long-time friend, Vince Leong, arranged for Sharon to rest in one of the bedrooms, while I met with the group. Before we left the hospital, she was going to order chocolate cake, which was on the dinner menu. Since she was discharged before dinner, she didn’t get her chocolate cake. When we arrived in Los Gatos, and tucked Sharon in, the owner of the house asked if Sharon would like a piece of chocolate cake, not knowing Sharon had wished for it the night before. Sharon saw it as a sign of God’s continued care.

Sharon and me in Oregon
Sharon and me in Oregon

Sharon had a good nights rest that evening and every evening since. She fatigues early but has improved greatly since I returned from Brazil. I want to shout: “Thanks you Lord Jesus!” “Thank you gracious Father!” “Thank you Holy Spirit!”

Because He has visited us,

Linus and Sharon

31 thoughts on “Update on Sharon’s ER/ICU experience

  1. Dear Sharon and Linus!
    Such a scary story, such a beautiful outcome! Praise God for His many blessings and your sweet spirit, Dear Sharon. May you continue to be well and both of you have safe travels and continue with the good health. Take care, XOXOXOXO Judy & Denis Dutton

  2. Dear Sharon and Linus,
    God is so gracious, even caring about the smallest details of our lives. Thank you for sharing that encouraging story and we’ll be praying for continued healing.
    Much love, Patsy and Mike Dehn

  3. Linus…thanks for sharing Sharon’s divine experience. Praying that you can encourage thousands more with the testimony of how the Father cared for you and Sharon! Blessing my friend…JIm

  4. Praise God for you Sharon and his miraculous presence with you in your healing and recovery! I pray for sustained healing, comfort and strength in these days forward. Greetings to the Leongs, God Bless you all! Love and prayers to you and all the Morrises, Mark (Doddman)

  5. Oh thank the Lord. How frightening, but he held her in his arms and made her well. Well enough for the chocolate cake he sent.

    I love you both and am praying that her health is back to normal for good.

    Sandy Levin

  6. thank you for sharing,I felt God’s love in all of it .I pray God will continue to use you together as vessels for His glory,love you both .You’re in my prayers.

  7. So thankful Sharon is doing well !! Thank you LInus for the update. Got to see Hud & Nancy while they were here last week and their news. Now, tell me this…how is it that you & Sharon ( even after her medical event) and Hud & Nancy look so marvelous ? 🙂 The Lord works even while we sleep coming to Sharon to minister and comfort her and God “is” in the details even providing that chocolate cake ! I sure hope we have chocolate in Heaven !! With love & prayers,
    Bev Benner

  8. We are so grateful that Sharon has made a recovery, and able to join you on your trip to Oregon. Many must have been praying! We hold you up to the Lord.
    Adrian and Ginni

  9. Could very well have happened to Jan several years ago. She went in for prep for out patient foot surgery and they whisked her to the ER in a wheel chair with 260 over 120. By God’s grace those arteries and blood vessels held together and they were able to coax the BP down.

  10. Praise God for His intervention during Sharon’s medical emergency. He is good all the time. Will be praying for a complete recovery. We so enjoyed spending time with you both at Kathryn’s birthday party at Phil and Laina’s in February. Blessings, Sherrie and Tim Bjork

  11. Dear Sharon, Praise God for divine intervention! wish you a great recovery and many blessings. Love from Noemi

  12. Such a scary event, and yet such a sweet and lovely ending. Truly comforting and inspiring. We are so glad Sharon is getting better each day. Sending our love and prayers too.

  13. Sharon/Linus,
    So grateful to hear of His intervention. Sharon, you are one of the
    sweetest, loving friends we have. I can only imagine how sweet was
    your intimate evening of His visit with you. Hope to hear the ‘Rest of
    the story’ when we meet next.
    Phil & Linda White

  14. So thankful for Gods loving care and healing. I know exactly what Sharon experienced as I had a similar experience after major surgery ,but no chocolate cake!

  15. God our Father take care of us in an amazing ways, Sharon has expirence His precens in a very important moment for her. Praise to the a Lord! God bless you!!!

  16. Wow, sharon … what an experience! I am so happy for your special time with God and know He is continually keeping you in the palm of His wonderful hand. Great to know you and linus were able to get away to oregon. Would love to see you sometime when you’re in our area … God bless.

  17. I am praising and blessing our wonderful Lord !! Your account of Sharon’s experience is precious and inspiring, and I rejoice with all that she is well to continue her ministry of kindness and love. Blessings, Sylvia

  18. What an experience! So thankful that Sharon you felt God with you the entire time, and loved the details about the chocolate cake – God is good! Very glad you are well again. xoxoxo Linda

  19. What a beautiful letter. Thanks you for the update. Linus told us what happened when we were in CA. So sorry we missed you! But we are ever grateful to our Lord for taking such good care of you Sharon. Love, Cari & Pierre

  20. So pleased to know that Sharon has recoved from her scare. God takes care of his family Love

  21. For weeks we have been praying for you daily and now know some of the reasons why. We will pray for Sharon’s complete healing knowing that in God’s will she soon be able to ‘help others with the help that she herself has received’
    Our Christian love to you and yours,
    John & Anne Shafe

  22. Praise God for His mercy and His grace! It was Divine timing that you got home when you did Linus. I will keep praying for Sharon and for you. Numbers 6:24-26 May God’s peace (His shalom) that passes understanding enfold you both.

  23. What an amazing journey you have been on! I just returned from a trip to read of Sharon’s Godly “meeting” and healing. Please know you both continue to be in my prayers. You are such servants of our Lord; I count it a privilege to know you. Hold close together!

  24. Dear Sharon & Linus:
    I am so grateful that Sharon is doing so well. What a marvelous story of God’s grace working in you. Touching about the cake, too!
    You’re in my thoughts and prayers,
    Beijos e abrazos,

  25. Sharon, that was Jesus . . . He showed you His love and care in a very tangible way. What a great testimony~! I trust this finds you doing well, cuz. Love, margot

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