3 at the Same Time…Just the Ones I Know Of


Just after our Global Training Network leadership gathering February 12-20 (See “2-4-6-8 Who Do We Appreciate,” March ministry update), we had Divine Expedition teams travel and train in Nicaragua, Guatemala, and Sierra Leone.

The multiplication of making disciples of all nations…(Matthew 28:19), and raising up leaders who will entrust to reliable others who will be qualified to teach others (2 Timothy 2:2) is happening, by God’s grace, favor, and power.


Our DE team returned to Tonka Limba in the NW of Sierra Leone. In “Sami Town” they conducted our Phase 3 (Empowering others through coaching) training; in “Kagbonkor” they conducted Phase 2 (Aligning with the Father heart of God); and in “Madina,” the main town in the region, conducted Phase 1 (Romans as a life and missional map) training.

Madina – 64 leaders for our Phase-1 of the Divine Expedition

Ten Sierra Leonean’s led our Phase-1 training in Madina. Divine Expedition trainer Richard Wallace commented, “It is wonderful to see how much in less than one year they have grown as leaders and presenters.”

Another highlight of the Madina training was that everyone in the training went to the surrounding area to practice sharing the gospel, as well as their story (testimony) of how they met Jesus and how He changed their life. Several people, including one whole family of five, gave their lives to Christ.

We are excited to see what God has in store for them in the next few years.

DE Trainers Tommy and Carlos

Tommy Vos and pastor Carlos, in the photo here, have been leading our Divine Expedition training in Nicaragua. Carlos went through our training in El Salvador and is now a trainer himself. Here is what Tommy wrote after their recent trip to Nicaragua:

Hey Linus! Nicaragua has been challenging but good. Pastor Carlos and I have been praying and seeking the right group to focus on. We have a group of 12 pastors who have completed all 4 phases that want to become trainers. We have another group of around 8 pastors/leaders who want to become trainers as well.

Carlos and I just met with both groups this last Monday to discuss the details, expectations, vision etc. And answer any questions they have. Both meetings went really good!

Carlos and I are planning on returning in the next couple months to start training these groups to be masters trainers. Its a process but I believe Holy Spirit has us here for a reason.

As Tommy expressed, rolling out the Divine Expedition training is a process in which we are dependent on the Holy Spirit to guide, protect, and give us favor. We are seeking networks Christians who we can equip and encourage to be part of a movement in their city, region, country and beyond to reach people for Christ, make disciples, develop leaders, and plant reproducing churches.
Phase 1 attendees in Xela Guatemala. Phase 2 and 3 followed.

Here are some answers to questions we asked the Guatemalans:

What year did Divine Expedition Training (DET) start in Guatmala? 


What are some challenges people in your country are facing?

There was political unrest in Guatemala after the election of 2023, which shut down the entire country. People blocked all the roads, and the price of gas, food and other items skyrocketed. There is an influx of M-13 and M-18 gang members as El Salvador has arrested so many.

What are the challenges you face as you expand DET? 

Getting churches to participate with other churches. Time is an issue during the week because attendees must work to feed their families. We are training from 5-9PM now.

What impact has DET had in your country?

More evangelism is taking place, as well as church members are becoming more active in their communities.

What are your plans, dreams and prayers for DET in 2024?

Our plan is to complete all four phases by October. We are also praying for a movement in Christian ministries in the universities. Students are coming to Christ and being discipled.

Which is your strongest area for DET?

  1. making disciples
  2. training leaders
  3. planting churches
  4. launching movements
DE Guatemala trainers: North Americans (2), El Savladorian (1), Guatemalans (7)

Divine Expedition Trainings are happening as well in Brazil, Uganda, and elsewhere through national leaders. We started our first Global Training Network Divine Expedition Training in 2012 and are full of gratitude for what God has done and is doing.

Next up is we are gathering 30 leaders together in Madrid April 3-6 for a three day time of encouragement, vision casting, and strategic planning. I was scheduled to attend but on April 2nd I am having surgery for a shoulder I injured some time ago.

Pray for our training and all the nationals who are developing as trainers. Pray for our April 3-6 Madrid gathering. Any please pray that my surgery and recovery will go well. I believe that by God’s grace I still have a lot to do ahead.

Thank you for journeying with us as we seek to equip others to reach people for Christ, make disciples, develop leaders, and reproduce churches.

With love, gratitude, and friendship,

Linus for the GTN Divine Expedition team

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